the written word is a vessel

of profound

reflections, wisdom and experiences 

that speaks to every ear and mind and guides us

to navigate life’s challenges

“We live life to the fullness, when our satisfaction is derived from the global meaning to life - A life that habituates to the Lord''s presence and seeks to do His will”


Featured Post

A Divine Encounter: Finding God’s Presence in the Piano Shop

It was a cold and dreary day when I decided to visit the piano shop. The sky was overcast, and a chill hung in the air, but I was determined to rent the Yamaha Piano for the Christmas Convention the...

Blog Posts

Struggles to the Cross: Progress Through Pain

In the quiet sanctuary of his heart, David found solace amidst the tumult of his trials. With every struggle, every battle, and every moment of despair, he turned to the scriptures, seeking refuge in...

Stewardship: Unleashing God’s Gifts for His Kingdom

In the realm of faith, we are called upon to be custodians of the divine endowments bestowed upon us, channeling our gifts, talents, and strengths towards the glorification of God. Stewardship emerges...

Unscripted Beginnings: Unleashing Your Potential

The quest to unearth our purpose often entwines with the notion that a meticulously crafted plan is a prerequisite for progress. Yet, drawing from the shared journey of a couple navigating the...

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